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Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Turkey Day, White House Evaluates Growth Measures, How Geithner Got His Nickname

I'd like to say on behalf of the entire staff here at RCM, Happy Turkey Day.

Speaking of turkeys, I'd like to offer some food for thought on this holiday of epicurean indulgence.

You will find at the top of the menu, an appetizer prepared by the White House. As usual, this chef offers up fare that looks good upon presentation but falls short on execution. I find today's offering has subtle hints of desperation and longing that are overwhelmed buy strong tones of oxymoronic balderdash....

White House says evaluating "sensible and reasonable" measures to spur US growth - Reuters

As a main course, we are, in fact, serving turkey. This particular turkey you will know by another name, Pinocchio. A few have wondered why I anointed Tim Geithner, Pinocchio. Some have even questioned my motives. To the simple son, I say read the following account of Pinocchio's behavior and learn. To the wicked son, I will continue on this biblical vein and say, "With all thy getting, get understanding."....

A brutal report issued Monday by a government watchdog holds Timothy Geithner -- then the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and now the nation's Treasury Secretary -- responsible for overpayments that put billions of extra tax dollars in the coffers of major Wall Street firms, most notably Goldman Sachs.

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